Pictures are very important in my family. My dad is also a photographer (along with a filmmaker) and I grew up going out on daddy daughter dates taking pictures. My favorite memory is when we went and explored Maple Mountain and took lots of pictures. I developed those pictures and glued them into a little booklet that I made by stapling paper together. I still have that book and I love it! But since my dad was always the photographer, there aren’t as many pictures of him in our photo albums (a trend I am taking on in my own family) and my dad is the cutest! He is a mix between John Stamos, Robin Williams, and Michael J. Fox – Handsome, funny, great hair and he travels through time ;). My mom is absolutely beautiful, I take it as the greatest compliment when people tell me I look like her, I think she is stunning! And she is just as beautiful on the inside, one of the most selfless and goodhearted people I know. And as much as I adore my parents, their grandkids are completely obsessed with them! I wanted to capture my parents with their grandkids and I hope to continue this as their grandkids get older and more are added! I absolutely loved this photo session, it was one of my favorites! We went down to Utah Lake one evening, it was a bit overcast at first but the sun broke through the clouds at the end of our sessions and it was beautiful! My heart is happy looking at all these cute faces 🙂